NSG 4029 Week 3 Project

Organizational Budgets

 A health budget is a crucial text in which the healthcare organization should implement certain policies and strategies. In most cases, it’s pre-planned for the board members and leaders to see the different possible problems that might come up. This gives them a guideline to help them make the earliest possible decisions and make interventions and adjustments in the budget to balance a particular problem. However, even though a health budget is pre-planned, you can still expect unexpected things that must be adjusted. (Rajan et al., 2016)So, with that being said, not every budget will suffice for every problem that may come up. You can’t budget for the unseen.

In conclusion, this particular issue can greatly affect the quality of healthcare we can provide our patients. I can only imagine how many healthcare organizations have this same issue as the opioid epidemic increases. Their health budget must be adjusted, aligned, and distributed equally to patients with acute conditions and those struggling with SUD. World Health Organization (2016) stated that healthcare organizations must always remember that “a health budget ensures that funds flow to the priority services and enables purchasing of health services to be operational.”Rajan et al., 2016 Hospitals and healthcare organizations must consider the growing number of illicit drug and alcohol-related cases and the nursing shortage to ensure that the budget is on track for the future.


 Jessica, R. L., & Rosa, V. R. (2020). Healthcare cost associations of patients who use illicit drugs in Florida: a retrospective analysis. BMC, Article 73. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-020-00313-2 (Retraction published BMC)

Rajan, D., Barroy, H., Stenberg, K., & . (2016). Budgeting for health. Strategizing national health in the 21st century: a handbook. World Health Organization. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241549745

Rundio, A., Ph.D. (2023). An overview of the nurse manager’s guide to budgeting and finance.

Healthcare news. Retrieved January 30, 2023, from https://www.healthcarenewssite.com/articles/04-2016/wa-arundio-0416.php

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